Interview with Norbert Dams


Norbert Dams - member of the jury  of the John Duarte Competition 2009
Norbert will also give the lecture: 
"Vom Manuskript zur Notenausgabe - Informationen rund um das Verlagsgeschehen"

Norbert Dams is the founder of  DAMINUS RECORDS & EDITION DAMINUS and also sponsor
of the International Guitarfestival Rust

More information: here


Interview with Norbert Dams:

Question: Who do you think is the most overrated and the most underrated composer for the classical guitar?

Norbert Dams:
We live in a period where people in general are looking for the*Top 40 Hits*. Guitarists are not different in that attitude... so ... for me all the top 40 composers of our repertoire are 'overrated whilst the others can considerd to be underrated.

Question: Which „Slogan“ would you use in advertising for the classical guitar?

Norbert Dams:
An instrument as rich as the guitar in its possibilities to cover so many different styles simply would be reduced by limitating it to a slogan.


Question: With which prejudices – that are connected with the classical guitar – would you like to get rid of?

Norbert Dams:
Prejudices are the friends of ignorance.... so I am so ignorant to ignore them.


Question: Which attributes do you find typical for classical guitarists?

Norbert Dams:
All the attributes that you find in other creative soon as a guitarist is looking for art ...and not only trying to cover the guitarists microcosmos.... we find ourselves amidst the ocean of creativity with its undiscribable diversity.


Question: What things in your life do you definitely want to learn and what do you regret not having done?

Norbert Dams
As I am in a constantly learning process there are too many things on the *working-board* to mention, and to little time to look after what I might have to regret.


Question: What dreams do you have that you would like to fulfil?

Norbert Dams:  
To write and produce the Music for a major movie project.


Question: What is embarrassing for you?

Norbert Dams: 
Ignorance, insensibility, lack of curiosity


Question: In relation to world history, which personalities fascinate you the most?

Norbert Dams:
I have a deep respect for all those that had and have a vision and the energy to - at least - try to fulfil their vision. People like Kolumbus, da Vinci, Sven Hedin, Alexander von Humboldt, ... yust to name a few ... and all the many composers writers, poets artists that helped to make our planet such a rich cultural oasis.


Question: What short phrase would you use to discribe your lifes philosophy?

Norbert Dams:
Follow your heart and you will not fail !


Question: Which abuse in your native country would you like to do away with?

Norbert Dams:
So many words - for so little results! The overrating of economics.


Question: In relation to world history, which personalities fascinate you the most?

Norbert Dams:
I have a deep respect for all those that had and have a vision and the energy to - at least - try to fulfil their vision. People like Kolumbus, da Vinci, Sven Hedin, Alexander von Humboldt, ... yust to name a few ... and all the many composers writers, poets artists that helped to make our planet such a rich cultural oasis.


Question: Which question would you like to be asked and what is your answer to this question?

Norbert Dams:
I am not going to be my own interviewer.


Question: Which guitar virtuoso today has the makings to follow in the footsteps of Andres Segovia?

Norbert Dams:
Segovia's steps are already made.... so it's better for everyone to make her/his own steps on their own path, as your footsteps will not be seen if you put your feet in somebody's different track.


Thank you very much Norbert for this interview.

Jovan Pesec



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